Welcome to long-time Lutherans, Christians from every tradition, and people new to the faith.
Welcome to all who have no church home, want to follow Jesus, have doubts, or do not believe.
Welcome to new visitors and old friends.
Welcome especially to all who have ever been made to feel unwelcome by the church.
Welcome to believers, questioners, and questioning believers. This is a place where you are welcome to celebrate and grieve, to rejoice and recover.
No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. This is a place where lives are made new. We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person--questions, complexities, and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.
10:00 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary and Livestream (available on YouTube and through the website livestream)
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Midweek Bible Study (bring your own lunch if you'd like)
5:45 Lent Soup Supper
6:30 Lent Worship
Interact with us on Facebook. Contact the office to be added to the email distribution.
Mark your calendars for these events coming up!