Please check here periodically for updates on our quest to call a new rostered minister to our church.

As we begin the process of calling a new rostered minister, we enter a time of thoughtful assessment and prayerful discernment about our work together in ministry and mission. 

Step One: The Transition Team

TRANSITIONTEAM OBJECTIVE:  To complete a Ministry Site Profile (MSP) for our church using input from the congregation. The MSP summarizes the characteristics and ministry of our church, and will be used by the Call Committee in the search for a new pastor for our congregation. 

Our team has begun working on gathering information about our church before beginning the search for a new pastor. Pastor Kris is working with the team in an advisory capacity. 

Team:  Larry Borchelt; Jeff Meyer; Stacy Murphy; Paula Lynch, Chair; and Tom Pearson, Council Liaison 

On May 15 Deacon Darcy Mittelstaedt, Bishop Associate, led the team through the orientation and guidelines for a transition team, which includes completing a Ministry Site Profile (MSP). The MSP summarizes the characteristics and ministry of our church, and will be used in the search for a new pastor for our congregation. With a plan developed for our congregation, the Transition Team will used input from the congregation to develop the MSP, which began with a Vitality Survey, and the results were presented to the congregation.

Thank you for your participation; it is crucial for the transition team’s ability to complete the Mission Site Profile (MSP). 

On August 20, around 50 people stayed for the discussion, relating our congregation to the Calling of Samuel. There was a lot of valuable input, with many similar ideas emerging. There was an enthusiastic and positive vibe in the room, and it’s obvious we are all in this together. Here are some of the descriptive phrases members came up with for St. Andrew: “Sinners welcome: let’s get together and get better. Praise God!” “Faithful to God’s Call. All are Welcome.” “In the Center of Canyon Lake Area to make Christ the Center of our Lives.” 

Step 2:  The Call Committee

Our Call Committee has been chosen and installed: Jeff Lynch, Dottie Gilbert, Stacy Murphy, John Schlobohm, Evelyn Furgerson, and Wendy Kuenemann, Chair.  Please continue to hold them up in prayer.

A list of potential “matches” for pastor was generated by the Synod, based on the Mission Site Profile (MSP) that our transition team put together with input from the congregation. Those candidates are being contacted, and those that respond with interest are scheduled for a phone interview with the Call Committee. The call committee has already started the interview process.

Fortunately, the committe interviewed a candidate who really stood out to them as an answer to prayers. The Call Committee invited that candidate and spouse to come in person for an onsite interview and a chance to tour the church facilities and the community. After the second interview the committee felt even more strongly that this is the candidate that the Holy Spirit has been leading to us. 

There are still a lot of steps in the process, and everything is still highly confidential, but the committe is excited to feel the Holy Spirit at work. We will keep you apprised of the next steps as they are scheduled, such as when the council will be able to meet with the candidate. 

Everyone will have an opportunity to vote on the candidate at a congregational meeting. 

Thank you for your support throughout this process! 

We will continue to update this information as the process continues! 

(updated February 2024)